Sunday, February 14, 2010

Photos from the Saturday's "Pie and Ice Cream" Event at Heritage Commons

Here are some photos from yesterday's "Pie and Ice Cream" event at Heritage Commons. Brothers from Mount Defiance Lodge No. 794 and Rescue Lodge No. 772 served cherry pie and ice cream to 44 residents at Heritage Commons to help celebrate Presidents' Day.

From left to right: Bill Hunsdon, Donnie Norton, Steve Boyce, Bob Bartlett, Dennis Hunsdon, Dave Ferguson, and Fred Hunsdon.

Brothers from Mount Defiance and Rescue Lodges have been serving cherry pie and ice cream to the residents of Heritage Commons and its predecessor since 1980 on a weekend near Washington's Birthday. Brothers from the two lodges also serve Pumpkin Pie with Cool Whip to residents at Heritage Commons on a weekend near Thanksgiving each year.

Fred Hunsdon cuts slices of cherry pie.

 Bob Bartlett scoops ice cream (left) as Fred Hunsdon dishes pie (middle) and Bill Hunsdon (foreground right) prepares to serve the residents of Heritage Commons.